from the subway,
to signature style

My Story
I consider myself first and foremost a storyteller.
So let me tell you a bit about my story...
My love of music actually led me to my artistic passion.
I’m originally from Ann Arbor, MI and I moved to New York City to become a professional opera singer. After that successful career, I entered the advertising world.
Each work day I rode the New York City subways, observing those around me. In the most unlikely of places, I discovered a love for sketching, and began my Drawn On The Way project celebrating the people and sights I saw... on the way. This unusual training ground helped me develop a keen eye for detail and appreciation for the beauty and worth of every person I see. And it taught me how to capture my subjects quickly.
I developed my signature style of balancing emotion, gesture, line and sparing color to tell the story in front of me. I create artistic snapshots of fleeting moments in time.
I see my drawings as stories, and, from the smallest
detail to the biggest thrill, it's truly my pleasure
and honor to help tell yours.
Drawn On Your Day
Drawn On Your Day enables me to blend my passion for sketching, a genuine love of people and my deep desire to share the gift of art. My ability to observe the details that truly tell the story of a moment in time or reveal the spirit of a person is the foundation of my work. And to thoughtfully and quickly transform those details into a spontaneous work of art is my forté.
My work has a global following and has been displayed internationally in galleries from London to New York City. I’m thrilled to offer this exclusive, one-of-a-kind experience for your special day.
Artfully yours,

Sarah Nisbett
Live Illustrator
Author and Founder
of Drawn On The Way